Abstract should be concise and informative, reflecting the main content of the article, describing the purpose of the research, summarizing main results of the research and representing its theoretical and practical importance. The article should be well structured. The abstract is presented separately from the article. References should therefore be avoided. General superfluous words which increase only the volume of the text, but will not contribute to the opening of the article content, should be avoided. In short, it should be essentially original.
Title of article
Name and Surname of the author (s)
Academic degree / scientific degree
University / Institute
Contact information: Address / Email
Format of the Abstract
Language of Abstract: English;
Number of the words: 200-250 words;
Subject of the research;
Theoretical and practical importance.
Results of the research;
Format of the Article: DOC (MS-Word);
Size of paper – A 4;
Margins: 2 cm- at the top and bottom; 2,5 cm on the right and left sides of the text;
Font for text – “Times New Roman”, font size – 12;
Interval – 1,15;
Title font size – 16;
Author’s name, last name and titles— font size- 12;
Keywords – maximum 5- 7 words; font size – 12;