Article Structure
The paper submitted for publication must be in the APA citation style of the American Psychological Association. The work should be structured according to IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion) format.
Technical parameters of paper submission
The article should be submitted electronically (in Microsoft Word format (.doc extension), articles in Georgian – in Sylfaen font;
Articles in English –in Times New Roman font;
in other languages – in Unicode fonts). The file name should be the author’s last name, for example, akhalkatsi.doc.
The size of the article (including the list of used literature and appendices) should be at least five (10 thousand marks) and no more than 20 computer pages (40 thousand marks).
Articles should be submitted in A4 format;
Interval between lines -1 font;
Font size 11;
Margins on four sides 2,45 cm.
Article Title: The title of the article should be in English and in the original language of the article (font size 12, bold ). The title is written in the middle. The English title is written by capital letters. The title should be concise, concrete (not general) and reflect the content of the article. Avoid using abbreviations, shortened forms, maximally focus on broad society.
Field / subfield should be indicated above on the left side of the article
Author / Authors
Author’s (authors’) complete first name, surname, academic degree, position, address of the institution, telephone number, e-mail address, ORCID code (if you are not registered, you can register on web. address should be indicated under the title of the article (to the right) in English and in the original languages of the article.
Abstract should be concise and informative (of no more than 200-250 words, reflecting the main content of the article, describing the purpose of the research, summarizing main results of the research and representing its theoretical and practical importance. The article should be well structured. The abstract is presented separately from the article. References should therefore be avoided.
General superfluous words which increase only the volume of the text, but will not contribute to the opening of the article content, should be avoided. In short, it should be essentially original.
Immediately after the abstract, provide keywords, maximum 5- 7 words. Only abbreviations firmly established in the field may be eligible.
Authors are required to highlight the essence of the problem; the goal; the hypothesis and the importance of their papers; also to review the literature, namely the most interesting and original works, including the latest editions. A large number of references (which has no connection with the subject); or inappropriate inserts are not recommended. Achieved results should be concise.
The article should be methodically correct, i.e. to show the usage of modern research methods. Describe how you studied the issue: give an extensive information.
Results should be clear and concise. Organize this section according to the hypothesis /thesis. Results are not interpreted here. Use clear illustrations( charts, tables, images etc.). Illustrations and text shouldn’t duplicate each other. Titles of illustrations must have an independent meaning. The presented material should be interpreted. Readers first look at illustrations then read, therefore, the illustrations should be clear and informative.
This section should show the importance of the results of work, and not repeat them. Sometimes it is possible to combine Results and Discussion (unite) sections. Avoid using extensive citations and review of published literature. Identify what your results mean. Discussion is an important part. It should correspond to the results. Don’t ignore the papers the results of which are contrary to yours – have a discussion with them and assure the readers in your correctness. Discuss the results of your hidden content and compare your results with the previous researches.
Main conclusions of the study may be presented in the Conclusion section, which may stand alone or be a sub-section of Results and Discussion section.
References: Literature and sources are listed on the alphabetical order (see below).
Acknowledgement: At the end of the article, in a separate paragraph, before your remarks, express gratitude to all those individuals who helped you in the research. Do not include this paragraph as a footnote in the title or otherwise.
Footnotes should be used sparingly. If there is something important, write it in the text, otherwise exclude it. Number them consistently using Arabic numbers with the help of text processing program. Otherwise, indicate the position of footnotes in the text by asterisk (*) and present the note on the same page at the end of the text.
Citation in text. The citations and bibliographies of the articles to be published should be in APA style. The bibliography must be formulated programmatically. Authors should use Microsoft Word bibliography toolkit (REFERENCES), or bibliography management software (e.g. Mendeley, Zotero, RefMan, Endnote, JabRef).
Reference style:The quotation in the scientific publication is separated from the main text by quotation marks (“”). At the end of the citation, the index should contain the parentheses indicating the surname of the author of the cited text in the original language, the year of publication of the text, Then a colon and the corresponding page number, or the heavy and corresponding page. Eg: (Takaishvili: 1920, p. 23), or Takaishvili, 1920, p. 23). If the article is in English, then the last name of the author of the quoted text is indicated as REFERENCES (see below).
Please, ensure that every reference cited in the text is also presented in the reference list and vice versa. Unpublished results and personal communications are not recommended in the reference list but may be mentioned in the text. If these sources are listed in the source list, then they must meet the standard style of reference in the journal. Citation of a reference as ‘in press’ implies that the item has been accepted for publication.
Indication of used literature and sources:
Sources and literature, regardless of the language in which the article is published, are formed in two ways: Used literature (or used literature and sources/list of used literature / list of used literature and sources, etc.), and REFERENCES.
Used literature – Sources and literature used are indicated in the original language. References and literature are arranged in alphabetical order. First Georgian and then non-Georgian material is indicated.
Sayse, A. H. (1882). The Cuneiform Inscriptions of Van, part 7, JRAS 14.
A book with two or more authors
Svendsen, S., & Løber, L. (2020). The big picture/Academic writing: The one-hour guide (3rd digital ed.). Hans Reitzel Forlag.
Torino, G. C., Rivera, D. P., Capodilupo, C. M., Nadal, K. L., & Sue, D. W. (Eds.). (2019). Microaggression theory: Influence and implications. John Wiley & Sons.
A book without an author (Edited or compiled)
Chronicles and other material of Georgian history and writing. (1897). Collected, chronologically arranged, and explained by T. Jordania. T 2, Tbilisi.
Article from a journal or a newspaper
Schachter, H. (2012, June 18). What does it take to be a good team player? The Globe and Mail, B7.
Newspaper article without an author or a title
Get on board for train safety. (2012, June 17). The New York Times, A14.
Encyclopedic textbook or article
Shoshiashvili, N. (1975). Abuseridzeni. Network. T. 1.
Historic source
Allport, A. (presumed). (ca. 1937). Marion Taylor today—by the biographer [Unpublished manuscript]. Marion Taylor Papers, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe College, Cambridge, MA, United States.
basili ezosmodzghvari. (1959). tskhovreba mepet-mepisa tamarisi. kartlis tskhovreba. t’. II. t’ekst’i dadgenili q’vela dziritadi khelnats’eris mikhedvit s. q’aukhchishvilis mier. tb.: gamomtsemloba „merani“. zhamtaaghmts’ereli. (1987). asts’lovani mat’iane. t’ekst’i gamosatsemad moamzada revaz k’ik’nadzem. tb.: gamomtsemloba „merani“.
Description of manuscripts
Description of the fund. (1973). Description of Georgian manuscripts of the former church museum (A) collection. T. II. e-mail Edited by Metreveli. Tb.
Several books by one author published in the same year
Kakabadze, S. (1921) A. Church documents of Western Georgia. year 1. Tf.
Kakabadze, S. (1921) b. Church documents of Western Georgia. year 2. Tf.
For digital book references follow the instructions of printed books. Beside the standard elements in the bibliography for the books in the internet, indicate URL address and the access date. Note that only URL address is not enough; attach maximum information about the publication in case the URL address changes. If page numbers are not mentioned, indicate the location of the quotation descriptively. e.g. a with a leading subtitle.
First name, last name, the title, publication number (place of publication: publisher;year), subtitle under the “subtitle”, URL address (access date);
Julian Samora and Patricia Vandel Simon. (2000). A History of the Mexican-American People, rev. ed. (East Lansing, MI: Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University), under “Civil War in mexico,” pubs/MexAmHist/ chapter14.html#six (19.12.2005).
b.First name, last name, the title, publication number. Place of publication: publisher, year. URL address (access date);
Samora Julian and Patricia Vandel Simon. (2000). A History of the Mexican-American People.Rev. ed. East Lansing, MI – Julian Samora Research Institute, Michigan State University.. (19.12.2005).
Indicating books published in the other electronic format (e.g.CD-ROM, Microsoft Reader e-book) indicate the book format too.
First name, last name, the title, (place of publication: publisher, year), the book format.
Thomas H. Davenport and John C. Beck. (2001). The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business (Cambridge, MA – Harvard Business Scholl Press). TK3 Reader e-book.
First name, last name. The title. Place of publication: publisher, year. Book format.
Hellman, Hal. (2004). Great Feuds in Technology – Ten of the Liveliest Disputes Ever. New York: John Wiley. Rocket e-book.
Internet sources are possible to be indicated in source reference list or can be listed separately (for example, after the reference list) under a different heading.
Sources and literature in REFERENCES are listed in the same order as in the references used. For languages with a non-Latin script, Sources and literature are indicated in Latin transliteration. Georgian literature and sources should be transcribed on the “Georgian National System of Romanization” (see – under this heading). It is recommended to translate Georgian text programmatically ( Also, in REFERENCES, literature and sources that do not use the Latin font (eg Greek, Russian, Armenian, Arabic, etc.) should be presented in a transliterated form (use the same program for transliteration ( ).
Literature and sources where Latin fonts are used (eg English, German, French, Italian, Turkish, etc.) are indicated in the original language.
REFERENCES For languages that do not have a Latin font, it should be formed according to the following rules:
Author (s) (transliteration). (Year). Article title in transliterated version [translation of the article title into English in square brackets], book title (transliteration) [translation of the book title into English], place of publication, publishing house and other data in English.
– Submission of the description of the source in REFERENCES only in transliterated version (without translation) is not acceptable;
Book by one or more authors –
k’ek’elidze, k’. (1987). dzveli kartuli lit’erat’uris ist’oria (V-XVIII ss.) [History of Old Georgian Literature (V-XVIII centuries)]. Tbilisi: Publishing House „Metsniereba”.
mepisashvili, r. tumanishvili, d. (1989). banas t’adzari [Bana Temple]. Tbilisi: Publishing House “Merani”.
Book without author (edited or compiled) –
kronik’ebi da skhva masala sakartvelos ist’oriisa da mts’erlobisa [Chronicles and others Material of Georgian history and writing]. (1897). Assembled, Chronologically arranged and explained by T. Jordania. B. 2, Tpilissi.
Article from a Journal or newspaper –
shanidze, ak’. (1962). basili ezosmodzghvris ist’oriuli tkhzulebis erti sherqvnili adgilis gamartvisatvis [To rectify one fuzzy place in Basil’s historical writings]. Proceedings of Tbilisi State University. T. 99.
Zagurenko A.G. Korotovskikh V.A. Kolesnikov A.A. Timonov A.V. Kardymon D.V. (2008). Tekhniko-ekonomicheskaya optimizatsiya dizayna gidrorazryva plasta [Techno-Economic Optimization of the Design of Hydraulic Fracturing]. Neftyanoe khozyaystvo [Oil Industry]. no.11. pp. 54-57.
Cagareli, A. (1888). Pomjatniki gruzinskoj stariny v sv. Zemle i na Sinae [Monuments of
Georgian antiquity in St. Earth and Sinai]. Pravoslavnyj Palestinskij Sbornik [Orthodox Palestine Collection]. IV.
Illustrations submission instructions
Illustrations (charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, maps, autographical sketches etc.) are to be inserted in the text or in a separate file.
The illustrations should be submitted in the following format:
EPS (or PDF): diagrams, tables and charts, with all the fonts used;
TIFF (or JPEG): color and black and white photographs, maps, resolution at least 300 dpi;
TIFF (or JPEG): Black-and-white graphic drawing, an autographical sketch, resolution of at least 1000 dpi;
TIFF (or JPEG): Combined (color and black-and-white) image resolution of at least 500 dpi.
Number the illustrations used in the text consistently. Each illustration should have a caption. Write captions separately and not on the figure. Captions should contain the title and a brief description. Explain all used symbols and abbreviations. Avoid vertical rows.
For writing captions on the illustrations use the following fonts: Sylfaen or AcadNusx font for the Georgian version of the article; Times New Roman for English version ; Unicode fonts if the article is presented in the other language. The font size must be at least 9. The captions of the illustrations may be in italic font;
The illustrations in the text can be only numbered, and they can be given in the list of references with relevant explanations;
If illustrations (charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, maps, autographical sketches etc.) are scanned from the book, indicate the full title of the book. Also, if the illustration is copied from the Internet, use reference rules. In this case the illustration quality should satisfy the required format;
An illustration inserted in the text may not be split in the transition from page to page;
The size of the illustration presented in a separate file should not exceed A4 format;
The number of illustrations should not exceed 10;
Size and weight measurement units in the text must be presented by SI system (International System of Units, or SI for short–French-Système international d’unités,SI). In case of using other measurement units, corresponding measurement units of SI system should be indicated in the parentheses or in a footnote Use the Gregorian style for indicating years. In case of mentioning dates in different calendar system, indicate relevant dates in parentheses or footnotes in the Gregorian
Use Petavius system without zero years dating events before Christ (for example: BC, ……).